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Dallas Mayoff Day 2013

A Bat Mitzvah Instead!

Mayoff Day came early in 2013, with a celebration of Denise Mayoff’s Bat Mitzvah  the week before the traditional Mayoff Day.  We’re all very proud of her.

Denise surrounded by her family on the bimah following her bat mitzvah
Left to right: Jeff Mayoff, Richard Navarrete, Rob Mayoff, Cheryl Navarrete, Delia Mayoff, Denise Mayoff, Ada Shepherd, Gwendolyn Navarrete, Beth Shepherd, Alice Shepherd, Mitchell Navarrete, Bryan Shepherd, Rich Navarrete, Cassandra Mayoff, Bernie Mayoff, Mimi Vassallo

Even though there was not a traditional Mayoff Day celebration in 2013, friend Doug Frazier never-the-less created a song which you can see here:  Sunrise, Sunset