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Recipes are listed alphabetically.
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An adaptation of a recipe from Bernie’s mother, Ada Mayoff, by her daughter-in-law, Denise Mayoff
Served as a dessert and occasionally at Mayoff Day celebrations
Art Mayoff shares this recipe with us.
Art Mayoff shares this recipe with us.
Denise Mayoff says this one is an old family recipe that my grandmother brought from Hungary. This is a real hands on recipe! We pronounced it “tchurtaga”, but guess something was lost in translation. 🙂 My kids remember this as the “powdered sugar thing”, and still ask for it.
(or Art Mayoff’s remarkable way of making Lamb taste like it isn’t lamb.) This recipe is a winner for both those who like Lamb and for those who might shy away from it.
Denise Mayoff says: “Here’s one that is easy and really tastes good!”
Great with buttered rice and a salad on the side!
Laurie Gerstman shares this summer minestrone soup from Field of Greens, New Vegetarian Recipes from the Celebrated Greens Restaurant by Annie Somerville. She also provides a hearty winter variation. The flavors develops with time and this soup is definitely at its best on the second day.
Laurie Gerstman shares this recipe.