Pictured, from left to right: Lisa Sluder (friend of Cheryl), Bill Evans, Thad Sims, Ellie Sims, Julie Evans (she has a grandmother or great-grandmother that was accused of being a witch in Salem), Jessica Schwartz, mystery guest, Aubrey and Kay Adcock (from Texarkana, Arkansas), Sandy and Dan Lucci (from Buffalo, NY, not related to Susan Lucci)
The nose and hand of Robin Caldwell andEvelyn Caldwell, from south Texas, James and Barbara Peterson (he sells model trains, she worked with NASA on the space program), Maria Kammerbeek (from the Netherlands)
Full-frontal view of Barbara Thomas, Ron Thomas (pharmacist), Doug Frazier (song writer, convention specialist, grew up in Aruba, past president of North Texas Mensa)
Aubrey and Kay Adcock, Sandy and Dan Lucci, Jim and Shirley Howard (from Bloomington, Illinois), Arlette (from Belgium) and Yves (from France) Quervel (both professional translators)
Debbi and Ralf Kittenbacher (professional photographer, past president of North Texas Mensa just like Bernie), Bob and Terri Ann Rogers (she flies for Delta and he is building an airplane – for 5 years), Barbara Thomas (hospital pharmacist)
Doug Frazier, Ron Thomas, Bernie (past president of North Texas Mensa), Denise, Aubrey Adcock, Cheryl as everyone sings the 1998 Mayoff Day song to the tune of the Mickey Mouse Club Song