View the lyrics and hear the 2014 Mayoff Day song: Mayoff Day Walk
As guests entered they passed the Capes of Good Hope
and walked through actual capes
Then an animal leaped onto the back of each celebrant
Animal badges
Guests were asked to identify the animal on their back
Next, get a frozen bellini, dip in the spa or pool, nibble on a vast assortment of treats
A view of “table mountain”
(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)
Guarding the watering hole. Clockwise: Margaret Rose Hebert, Walt Hebert, Ken Parker, Arvin Kreitman
Guarding the coastline. Clockwise: Bob Schwartz, Jessica Schwartz, (Robben Island – hidden in the dark), Arlette Quervel, Arlene Kreitman, (killer whale), Dennie Gottlieb, (backs to camera) Marcia Gold, Gary Weber
Lion and lion trainer
Left to right: Maria Kamerbeek, Doc Gibbs (hidden), Richard Navarrete, Vera Gibbs (bottles contain Amarula, a South African cream liqueur)
Standing: Arlene Kreitman, Arvin Kreitman, Howard Gottlieb, Susan Weber, Gary Weber, Jessica Schwartz, Bob Schwartz, Denise Mayoff Seated: Les Taub
Standing: Denise Mayoff, Bernie Mayoff, Shelli Taub. Seated: Bev Wright, Nathan Wright, Joan Garrett, Bill Tempest, Robin Caldwell
Left to right facing camera: Bill Tempest, Carol Tempest, Maria Kamerbeek, Evelyn Caldwell, Barbara Thomas, Jim Howard Facing away from camera: Shirley Howard, Cheryl Navarrete
Standing: Denise Mayoff, Bernie Mayoff, Shelli Taub Seated: Bev Wright, Nathan Wright, Joan Garrett, Bill Tempest, Robin Caldwell, Maria Kamerbeek
Standing: Howard Gottlieb, Susan Weber, Gary Weber, Jessica Schwartz, Bob Schwartz, (the Capes of Good Hope), Richard Navarrete, Cheryl Mayoff Navarrete, Gwenny Navarrete, Denise Mayoff, Bernie Mayoff Seated: Les Taub, Harry Garrett, Bev Wright
Examining a sailing ship with teabag sails are Robin Caldwell, Maria Kanerbeek, Evelyn Caldwell, Barbara Thomas, Ron Thomas
Standing: Denise Mayoff, Bernie Mayoff, Shelli Taub. Seated: Bev Wright, Nathan Wright, Joan Garrett, Bill Tempest, Robin Caldwell
Seated, clockwise: Joan Garrett, Bill Tempest, Robin Caldwell, Maria Kamuerbeek, Evelyn Caldwell, Barbara Thomas, Jim Howard, Doc Gibbs, Vera Gibbs, Carol Tempest, Shirley Howard, Bev Wright, Nathan Wright (back to camera) Standing, clockwise: Ron Thomas, Walt Hebert (hidden), Margaret Rose Hebert, Marty Fried
Seated, clockwise: Bill Tempest, Robin Caldwell, Maria Kamuerbeek, Evelyn Caldwell, Barbara Thomas, Kim Howard, Doc Gibbs, Vera Gibbs, Carol Tempest, Shirley Howard, Teri Ann Rogers, Bev Wright, Nathan Wright (back to camera) Standing, clockwise: Ron Thomas, Walt Hebert, Margaret Rose Hebert, Marcia Gold, Ted Gold, Yves, Arlette Quervel