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Mayoff Day 2020

The Announcement

Mayoff Day 2020 celebrations this year take on additional significance and complications.  But we don’t have any parking constraints.  We can once again say “suits optional”.  And nobody needs a designated driver. 

Let’s first address the question of “When is Mayoff Day?”  Technically, we take May off the calendar on June 1, which is a Monday this year.  Traditionally, the worldwide celebrations have occurred on the closest Saturday evening though.  And this year we all find ourselves at home most of the time so the celebrations can begin as early as May 29 and continue through June 1.  How great is that!

It turns out that this year the Jewish holiday of Shavuot falls on May 29 and for some it continues through May 30.  Fittingly, and much like Mayoff Day, it is a time for both celebrating what we have sowed and for remembering our heritage.  We don’t all have to climb a mountain or read the Book of Ruth this long weekend, but it may be fun to look at the Book of Mayoff Day, the history, the songs, the celebrations and the friends.

We wish you all health and happiness and a joyful celebration.

Bernie and Denise

The Poem

As We Weather the Storm
by Ted Gold

So 2020 Mayoff Day comes with a task
How to celebrate wearing a mask
As we weather this virus storm
Social distancing became the norm
But is there time.  Is there room
To celebrate via Zoom
Mayoff Day should not pass
Without a Bellini for every lad and lass
We’ll raise our glass with a toast
To the friends from Dallas we miss the most.

The Song

Whimsical music notes and staff

View the lyrics by Doug Frazier and sing along with this years song, Mayoff Day In Twenty Twenty by clicking on the link.

Celebrating in Place

The COVID-19 Corona Virus mandated that this year’s celebration be a “celebrate in place” event. As the world faced the virus crisis and an economic crisis, the United States also addressed a crisis in systemic racism. Mayoff Day, intended to be a “Celebration of Friendship” hopefully provided a respite, even as these crises continued.

We captured photos of a few celebrities, celebrants and signs of the times.