Our Montreal cousins held a mini-reunion/dinner with dozens attending.
Left to Right Standing: Shirley Gold, Harry Monn, Viven Gold, Judy Rapoport, Cookie and Philip Goldsmith. Sitting: Brian and Felcia Rapoport.
Left to Right: Shirley Gold, Harry Monn, Viven Gold, Judy Rapoport, Cookie and Philip Goldsmith
Left to Right Standing: Hershey Mayoff and guest, Eva and Allan Mayoff. Sitting: Stanley Mayoff and Sharon Mayoff, Barry Mayoff and guests.
Left to Right Standing: James (Joanne’s husband), Moe and Sarah Mayoff, Richard and Rhona Pervin. Sitting: Jonathan Mayoff, Joanne Mayoff, Nancy Mayoff and guest.
Left to Right Standing: Shirley Rapoport, Steve and Lynn Woloz, Sol and Essie Mayoff, Ronald and Marianne Rapoport? Sitting: Billie Carson and Leon Carson.